Commenting on the Bradford on Avon Town Council’s budget for 2018-19 which was passed by the Full Council on 11th January 2018, Liberal Democrat Town and Wiltshire Councillor, Jim Lynch said:

“At a Full Council meeting on Thursday 11th January, the Annual Budget was considered. The budget requires a precept increase of 24%. That’s 68p per band D household per week.

“As the two Liberal Democrat Councillors on the current Town Council, Jennie Parker and I offered positive but qualified support to the budget. In our election manifesto and literature we made clear that we would support a rise in the town council’s share of the council tax if necessary to maintain services.

“The main increases in spending are required to protect our play areas and open spaces in the face of ongoing cutbacks nationally and from Wiltshire Council. The Town Council with additional backing and funding from the Area Board is seeking to expand and enhance Youth Services both in town and across the community area.

“Other asset transfers and the responsibilities attached will also cost money and require additional staff. We support spending which makes a positive difference to our town during a decade of Tory-led austerity. We will continue to work closely with our colleagues while questioning and challenging constructively. Above all we will continue to work in partnership with our Area Board and key groups and stakeholders across the town.”


Contact: Cllr. Jim Lynch, Town and Wiltshire Councillor, Bradford North and Chair of the Bradford on Avon Area Board.